Sometimes there is a need to repair, service or restore guns back to their best. At Sunshine Coast Gun Shop we can service and refinish most types of guns here in the shop. Some repairs require the services of a qualified Gunsmith and we can simplify this for our customers. We use Rob Bloomfield of Sunshine Coast Gunsmithing in Pomona who has an outstanding reputation as an old school Gunsmith whose work is first class. We make regular trips to Pomona so if your gun requires specific work done on it that we are not qualified or capable of doing such as threading a barrel or correcting a fault with the mechanism you can bring it into the shop and for a set fee of $99 we can take it to Pomona for repair. This fee is taken off the final cost. If you have a cartridge which is stuck, a rifle with parts that don’t work as intended or need to have a firearm re-chambered you need a Gunsmith and we can make this convenient for you by providing the option for you to only need bring your gun to the shop.
94 Aerodrome Road,
QLD, 4558
07 5479 0303
If you don’t see what you are looking for,
contact us so we can assist you.